Painted Nude 7 14 24
I continue the exploration or we could say the expression of true self by surrender. By this approach where I relax my mind and body, to let the heart guide my way. I follow the illuminated path, you can call it a vision, like a lightbulb. It is something like magnetic in dynamic form, perhaps akin to what the birds feel when they are drawn to fly North during a certain time of the season. All living creatures are connected, beyond a link, we can say it is deeper in that it is who I essentially am, what we all are.
The artwork becomes a practice in line, color and photographic capture to follow this magnetic path. Allow my body and mind to act from a spacious awareness that guides it. Not my mind or cravings, rather a sublime feeling just beyond the threshold for which my relaxed state and attention is required. Otherwise, the entire mystery is missed for a superficial flaw called diarrhea of mind. A regurgitation of what has been digested, nothing more. As an artist, it is to go beyond, that is my mantra. So that these works resonate as a popcorn trail of the illuminated path traveled.
For this the work symbolizes not only in form, it is also in the metaphor of our transcendental potential, to awaken through active evolution, this is what I aspire to depict in my work. Not just as a narrative, as a living expression that is resonant of the journey taken, not just a wish spoken which does not require the courage to surrender. To leap beyond is an action beyond the stagnant wish. Liberation is in the action of leaping of the edge of security into the great unknown, infinite potential. This is the heart of creativity, the flowering of innovation, problem solving and ultimately step ladders for societal growth. The other option is death through the loss of vision making…