Eve Visits Miami

“Eve Visits Miami”

In the spirit of pushing thru into new dimensions of expression, this work packs a few surprises. The cranial interconnections are vast, beginning with the title, Eve is a reference to the story of Adam and Eve, the biblical origin story of humanity. However the temptation in this depiction is not the apple, but instead Miami (the reference is to aspects of contemporary Western culture). The work is laced with easter eggs of symbolism from the bird in one hand and time in the other. The curvy nature of the bikini-laced body that dissolves into a botox ladened skin, with various cosmetic surgery procedures including the nose, eyes, lips, breasts, and butt.  The lion, moon-like atmosphere in the sky and color tones are a reference to the work of Henri Rousseau and his celebrated painting from 1897 entitled “The Sleeping Gypsy”. The color and aesthetic quality of the background and sky take the distinctive stylistic reference of boardwalk spray can artists in Miami, Los Angeles, and other beach destinations from around the world. The mountain range to the back right of Eve is Mt. Ararat, where Noah’s Ark is to have landed and sometimes referred to as the geographical location for the Garden of Eden. Subtly above it stands a massive dark formation that can be perceived as a mega tidal wave, often referred to by modern scientists as a cataclysmic global event that reset Earth 12,000 years ago. In the lower left corner is a window into reality as depicted in an almost photographic realism of a Miami skyline. Just to the right and observable in the sub-terrarium elements of the painting (the subconscious mind), a grown man is depicted, perhaps of antiquity, in a thinking posture. To his right is a very young boy, transitioning out of infancy whose arm rests on a globe-like object (Mother Earth) for which he is gazing at with wonderment.