Love and Truth Flow Dynamics Workshop
Love & Truth
Principles & Practice to unlock creativity and live your Potential.
A walkthrough of the fundamental universal principles corroborated through various ancient spiritual and faith traditions including contemporary science. Then we transition into the application into contemporary life. You will be introduced to the original practice preserved for thousands of years via an esoteric monastic tradition that anyone can utilize. The purpose is to liberate creative energy from within to flower our potential and resonate for humanity.
ABOUT: Gregory Beylerian is the creator of the Love & Truth practice, a culmination of 38 years in training, teaching and application of an ancient healing system preserved by a 1500 year old monastic tradition. These teachings have been adapted into a clear and simple contemporary context that anyone can utilize to unlock inner potential for well-being and human transformation.

THE 333 COUNCIL PRESENTS: A creativity principles and practice workshop.
The 333 Council is a High -Level Leadership Community focusing on Wellness & Impact, Kundalini, Yogic Philosophy, Neuroscience & Spiritual Technologies .