The Dark Eagle Eclipse

“The Dark Eagle Eclipse” 60×80 inches

The Dark Eagle is a name I began describing a phenomenon that has happened to me approximately every 7 years since my childhood.
When I was young, I did not intellectualize this energetic experience, thus I gave it no name.
The force is profound and flowers from a deep, dark place, however what it does is become a kind of resonance that lifts me to a new transformative existence.
I thus named the vintage Harley chopper I built after this “mis-understood” energy which at one time revealed itself to me as an almost black Eagle that hovered before me as I was lost in the depth of darkness. Out of its eyes projected an illumination of pure light that held a key of love and truth that washed over me like profound liberation. The symbol protruding from its eyes above my head is what I tattooed on my wrists to never forget.
To mark the return of the Dark Eagle during the eclipse a new work is born with the Harley and @k.inkt . If there was ever a person in my life who was a living expression of this immensely powerful and transformative force, it is her.
May all darkness in our life be transformed into the fuel that powers the heart’s journey to the stars.